
The dreaded two weeks wait

Helen Taylor / April 7, 2019

You have undoubtedly come upon the term “the two-week wait” in case you are actively trying to conceive. The mood swings that you may experience every half month post-ovulation seem familiar. Impatience, hope, and disappointment at getting a big fat negative pregnancy test result…you have been there.

What is the two-week wait?

Let us explain this term to future moms who have just started to try for a baby. The two-week wait is the period between ovulation, which usually takes place in the middle of your menstrual cycle, and the day your menstruation arrives. Implantation may occur in the first week of this period, and soon after, pregnancy symptoms can kick in.

What early pregnancy symptoms can you expect?

Early signs of pregnancy include implantation bleeding, nausea, flatulence, and sleepiness. There are also physical symptoms like a soft cervix and milky white discharge.

But the landmark sign that pregnancy has set in is a missed period.

Is hunting for early symptoms really useful?

Early pregnancy symptoms have a variety of causes. They are generally caused by the same hormones that bring Aunt Flo (your period). The main one is the progesterone.

The rise in progesterone after ovulation has passed, leads to premenstrual symptoms like irritability, anxiety, tiredness, bloating and other digestive issues. These symptoms are similar to early pregnancy signs. That is why they can mislead you in thinking that you are expecting, especially when symptom-spotting.

Patiently waiting for Aunt Flo is, therefore, more efficient. However, for those future moms who fall into swirling thoughts of pregnancy and little babies, here is the best plan for surviving the dreaded two-week wait.

Your survival plan for the two-week wait:

1. Keep busy

What to do:

  • go on a romantic date
  • catch a movie
  • meet good friends that you have not seen in a long time
  • plan a mountain trip
  • read an award-winning book
  • go shopping with a friend
  • clean your refrigerator or your pantry
  • run annoying errands

2. Schedule the time when you obsess about pregnancy

It may sound crazy, but it works. Promising yourself 15 or 30 minutes each evening for searching the internet about early pregnancy signs, may actually limit the time you spend obsessing.

Whenever you feel like googling for symptoms outside your scheduled time, pick up a book instead.

3. Vent to a support group

Venting on internet groups or forums does make the wait more relaxed and more fun.

Connecting on social media with women who are trying to get pregnant can make the wait easier. Joining a live support group in your area could also be helpful, particularly if you have fertility issues. An informed and educated support group can be a fantastic way to find the best doctors specialized in your medical problem.

4. Take a relaxation massage and perfect your breathing techniques

High stress levels are known to decrease fertility. This is because extreme stress can lead to unhealthy habits such as over-eating, having little sleep, drinking coffee or alcohol excessively.

An effective method of keeping stress in control is practicing relaxation methods. Even the most basic relaxation and wellness techniques can awaken the best in us. Using relaxation techniques is beneficial not only in the two-week wait but also throughout your cycle.

Here are some examples:

  • The bellows breath: breath in and out rapidly and deeply through your nose, while keeping your mouth closed; aim for three or four cycles per minute; do not exceed 15 seconds on your first try.
  • The relaxing breath (4-7-8 exercise): place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, inhale while counting to 4, hold your breath while counting to 7, then exhale completely to the count of 8, while keeping your tongue in the same position throughout the cycle.
  • Breath counting: inhale profoundly and exhale letting the breath come naturally; count when you exhale; repeat for at least ten minutes.

5. Don’t pay attention to symptoms

Try to not get your hopes up at every twitch, cramp or mood swing, especially if you have undergone infertility treatments. These signs may merely be side effects of the medication you have been taking.

Should you experience severe nausea or abdominal pain, consult your doctor about excluding the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation treatment.

6. Avoid taking early pregnancy tests

Your worries will unnecessarily but unavoidably inch higher when you see a negative result. But nothing is more dreadful than a false positive, which can come up mainly as a result of fertility drugs.

A biochemical pregnancy can also lead to positive pregnancy tests. This is a pregnancy that stops growing before it can be seen with ultrasound, usually because of a severe chromosomal abnormality.

7. Plan something special if you do test early

If you have succumbed to curiosity and got a negative result, do have something special prepared. Enjoy a cold glass of wine, fresh sushi or a big fat burger with delicious mayo, while you still can.

During the two-week wait, time stops and all you think about is whether you are pregnant. Whatever the pregnancy test result, be kind to yourself. Keep your confidence and surround yourself with positive thinking people.

What have you done to survive the two-week wait? Share with us your experience.