
Top 8 must-haves for newborn twins

Julian H / April 2, 2019

The rate of twin births has spiked 76 percent in the last 30 years to almost 34 per 1000 live births in 2014, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The continuous improvement in reproduction technologies has played a significant role in this evolution.

Are you one the mommies expecting twins?

Then you need to get ready now as free time remains scarce after bringing your babies home from the hospital.

The most important things to consider are:

  • Will you be nursing or bottle feeding?
  • Will you have separate rooms for the twins or will they sleep in the same place?
  • Will you be co-sleeping? If you plan to nurse exclusively, co-sleeping is definitely an option to consider.
  • Your finances.

Finances will weigh a lot. But you do not have to spend tons of money on items you will be using for just a few months. Think of friends who can lend you one or two baby monitors, bassinets, nursing pillows and other expensive yet life-changing items.

Here is the essential list for parents with twins. These are must-haves which will make your life a lot easier:

1. Two bassinets

Bassinets are portable. This is their main advantage. Using bassinets instead of cribs, in the beginning, will allow you to move babies from one room to another during the day. What’s more, they will be able to sleep in different places should they be waking up at every sound.

The side of a bassinet is low, and the material is softer than that of a crib, which makes it particularly useful after a C-section. It is easier to transfer the baby in the bassinet from a sitting position in your bed during the night.

Bassinets are useful up to 6 months, or possibly even 4 months if your babies enjoy rolling on their tummies in their sleep, as they won’t have enough room in the bassinets.

While bassinets do make your life easier, it does not make sense to buy brand new ones.

2. Two cribs

A larger crib or a double crib won’t do. Your twins will just wake up one another when they cry or when they move in their sleep.

When shopping from cribs, consider the ones with adjustable mattress levels.

Convertible cribs are cost-effective in the long run. These are the cribs that can convert into toddler beds.

3. Nursing pillow (even if you are not nursing)

Twin nursing pillows are extremely practical for tandem nursing (nursing both babies at the same time). Mothers also swear by them for tandem bottle-feeding.

Another practical advantage is that you can have your twins lie down on the nursing pillow downstairs while you go through your daily chores.

4. Electrical double breastfeeding pump

If you plan on pumping milk on a regular basis, consider investing in an electric breastfeeding pump. You can freeze the milk and have your husband feed one baby while you nurse the other one. This way you can get more precious sleep.

5. Diaper subscription

The last thing you need is to run out of diapers. To prevent this from happening, consider signing up online for recurring deliveries for diapers, wipes, and formula. Receiving your monthly box of baby supplies will save a lot of time.

6. Stroller

Taking time to research about the best stroller for your twins is paramount. Strollers can be pretty expensive, and you will probably use them for several years, from babyhood up to preschool years.

Here is what you should take into account when making your choice:

  • the stroller should fit into your car trunk
  • reclining seatbacks and adjustable leg rests come in handy when your kids take their naps while on a trip to the park or a walk to the grocery store
  • a lightweight frame stroller, which is designed to be compatible with car seats in the first months of life; it works best if you travel a lot or you do many errands
  • a compact reclining umbrella stroller for the times you will take just one baby for a stroll around the block
  • sturdy wheels – strollers with single front wheels usually have higher mobility scores
  • large sunshades
  • perfect storage bins.

Side-by-side or inline strollers?

Side-by-side strollers offer the same experience to your kids that is why they are generally best for children of the same age. The seats come with identical riding features. The downsides are that they can be difficult to steer through doorways because of their width. They are also harder to store and fold.

Inline strollers have the first seat in front of the second one. They usually have different features which can make it unsuitable for twins. For instance, one seat may recline more or may have a cup holder while the other one doesn’t.

7. Baby carriers

Baby carriers have a lot of advantages:

  • you can nurse one of the twins to sleep while having your hands free to move the stroller around
  • they are a great way to soothe as babies enjoy being held
  • wearing babies is a great way to bond with them.
  • great for babies with reflux.

Consider purchasing an ergonomic baby carrier which ensures proper positioning of the baby and comfort for your back and shoulders. Basically, the infant should be able to stay in the same position as if you hold them in your arms.

For newborns, the carrier should allow for a legs-in position in the first two months of life or until he or she starts sitting with her legs wide. They should ideally be worn upright with the head turned sideways, unless they are nursing. The chin should never fall to the chest.

For babies and toddlers, legs should form the letter M, and their back should be curved like the letter C. This position ensures proper support for the hips and spine. An M position means that the carrier extends to the knees so that they sit higher than the bum. The legs are spread apart, and the hip is in a more stable position, which is what experts advise.

According to the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, baby carriers should allow for the hips to be bent and spread apart. Thighs should be supported up to knee joints.

Proper positioning for the baby is crucial. A non-ergonomic baby carrier can cause hip problems, like hip dysplasia. 60 percent of hip dysplasia cases affect newborns, and 80% of cases are female.

Having in mind what experts recommend, a front-facing carrier may not be advisable as it does not ensure hip stability. Simply put, baby’s legs dangle which is not safe. Another drawback is that they put more strain on the wearer’s back.

High back carriers allow babies to see what is going on around them and they can also be ergonomic.

There are brands offering carriers for twins. There are wrap-style carriers for newborn twins allowing for tandem carrying. There are proper carriers for preemies which work up to about six months, and they are a bit pricey. Slings are also an option, but they are not so secure as structured carriers.

Whatever carrier you choose, we recommend checking whether it is acknowledged as safe for healthy hip development by the National Hip Dysplasia Institute.

8. Baby monitor

Whether you have a huge garden or live in a tiny downtown apartment, a baby monitor gives you extra peace of mind.

You should think about several things before buying a baby monitor, like:

  • How big is your house? Good range and clear, steady signal are critical.
  • How much time do you spend in a different room from your kids? Are you always by their side? Do you often cook and therefore, stay a lot in the kitchen which is in the other part of the house?
  • Do you need night lights?
  • Do you need movement alerts?
  • What about a video? Automatic night vision?

Many mothers also swear by bouncers, white sound machines and color coding, which comes in handy when your babies prefer different formula brands or bottle models, or they have different clothing sizes.

In the end, must-have items for multiple babies depend on your lifestyle, personal preferences, and finances.

Did we forget to list an item that was a lifesaver for you? Your advice can help a lot of mothers.